Whispers of Time: Embracing the Emotions within a Historical Building

In the embrace of time’s gentle sway,Stands a building with stories to convey.Its weathered stones, whispers of the past,Hold echoes of lives that didn’t last. Like the edifice, our lives unfold,Stories are written, both new and old.Walls witness the laughter and tears we shed,As footsteps echo in the halls widespread. In its grandeur, a symbolContinue reading “Whispers of Time: Embracing the Emotions within a Historical Building”


The horizon calls out to me,A place where earth and sky meet,Where the sun rises and sets free,And the ocean waves gently greet. Endless expanse of blue and gold,A sight that never grows old,Where dreams and hopes take flight,And the world feels infinite. Oh horizon, you inspire and awe,A beauty that fills me with wonderContinue reading “Horizon”

POLO Forest – History in Stones

The rains this year were good all around Ahmedabad in the state of  Gujarat in India. Rains brings in fun, enjoyment , serenity and peace to mind. And there is no better time to visit Polo Forest other than in Monsoon. The Polo Forest has some hidden history jewels inside it. Abhapur Jain temples wereContinue reading “POLO Forest – History in Stones”

The Play of Light

Lighting a living plant in colourful lights against dark background makes it as romantic as sitting under a tree during daytime. Though, I sometimes think that plants may not be liking this exposure of light at night, when they want to take rest. Time to take other options to beautification. This photo is clicked inContinue reading “The Play of Light”

India Rising

  In today’s afternoon outing of my pet Lhea  I saw this trio of mom and babies who were part of the  force cleaning the roads of my township. The working mom was happily sharing the booming skill with the young ones. When I asked her why are you handing over the broom instead of booksContinue reading “India Rising”


As the sun rises , it brings in a new day, a new beginning. A sunrise rejuvenates everyone. I find a rising sun or a setting sun very inviting to click a picture. With an access to camera all the time, whenever one is outside (read mobile), I can’t resist myself to click a photographContinue reading “Sunrise”